Believing in The Lord for He is Almighty & Powerful
There are times when our faith is shaken due to many problems and challenges in life. There are also times where we don’t know what to do because we feel lost and alone. But in times like these, know that the Lord God is there to save you and protect you. These obstacles are there to strengthen you. You don’t need to give up, for all of your hardships will see a reward that’s bigger than life itself. And if you are afraid of the darkness surrounding you, there’s no need to hide, for the Lord will guide you into the light.
According to The Book of Michael [1] by Michael John, you know that Jesus Christ is there, even though you are not actively seeking Him. But He is always surrounding you with his warmth and love that’s everlasting. So there is no reason for you to let go of your faith.
Look at the Right Places & You will See Him
The dark can keep the truth from us. We can continue living in the darkness where we are blind and deaf from the fact, or we can keep on trying by looking at the right places to find the Lord. Sometimes, our judgment can cloud our minds, and we are easily affected by the evil surrounding us. Fighting it can take all of your strength. You don’t have to actively look for the Lord if you feel like falling apart. Most of the time, He will give you a sign to keep your peace of mind.
Surrender to Jesus Christ and believe in His will. We may not know what His plans are, but you need to have faith in him and just keep doing what’s right. You will reap the rewards in the end. Praying to the Lord God will help you surpass those silent battles, and you will get what you deserve soon.
A Life Worth Living with the Lord by Your Side
Some people believe that Jesus Christ is not real. That the Lord God will not guide you, no matter how hard you pray. Some are doubting Him because, after many years of praying, there’s still no answer to their many questions. But God works in mysterious ways, and we all go back to Him one way or another. You may think that you don’t deserve to be loved by the Lord when it is the exact opposite. He will love you endlessly without question or second thoughts. He is there to guide you and instill joy within your heart.