About Natural Appetite Suppressants
Natural appetite suppressants have been around for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations used them to help people keep their appetites in check. The best part about them is that they don’t have any side effects and are completely natural.
The most common appetite suppressants include:
- Green tea – Green tea contains a compound called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful antioxidant that has been found to increase your metabolism. It also helps to fight inflammation, which can help you lose weight.
- Apples – Apples contain a compound called pectin, which can stimulate your appetite and decrease your cravings for junk food. Pectin can also reduce the formation of fat cells and make you feel fuller for more extended periods, helping you eat less during the day. In addition, eating apples has been shown to lower blood pressure levels in people with high blood pressure, which can help prevent heart disease.
- Cinnamon – Cinnamon is an herb that has been used for centuries to help people lose weight. It is one of the most potent Long term appetite suppressants available. It can reduce the number of calories you consume even when you aren’t trying to lose weight.
- Black pepper – Black pepper contains a compound called piperine, which can help increase your metabolism and decrease your appetite. It also helps to increase your body temperature, which can cause you to burn more calories throughout the day. In addition, black pepper has been shown to fight inflammation in the body, which can help reduce weight around the midsection region.