Insurance without deductible: what does it mean?
When we talk about insurance without deductible, we mean an insurance policy that provides for total and unlimited coverage of damages : regardless of the extent of the accident and therefore of the damage, the insurance will cover everything, from the most important damages to the minor ones that you may have to pay out of pocket if you have insurance with a deductible.
It should be specified that in the case of insurance without a deductible, the insurance premium will certainly cost more motor insurance singapore
Deductible, overdraft and ceiling: differences
Deductible and overdraft are conceptually very similar: both of these two terms indicate the part of the damage – following an accident – which remains the responsibility of the owner of the insured vehicle.
The difference between the two items lies in the fact that the overdraft indicates the percentage of damage that is always borne by the insured, while – as we have seen – the deductible indicates the minimum amount that the insurance does not cover.
The main implication of this difference is that with the overdraft you will not know the amount you will have to pay out of pocket until the damages of the accident have been quantified, in contrast to what happens with the deductible.
In this case, when you have an accident you will have to pay the one which, between the two, provides for the higher amount: if, for example, you have a deductible of €300 and a 10% overdraft, in the event of an accident which provides for compensation of your part of €500, you will pay the €300 deductible, because the overdraft will be lower (€50, i.e. 10% of 500).
When we speak of ceiling, however, we refer to the maximum amount that the insurance company is willing to pay to the insured. In the event of an accident with damages exceeding the ceiling, the insured is required to reimburse the rest of the amount to the insurance company.
Insurance with deductible and malus bonus
When you sign a contract with the insurance company, you can request that the RCA policy have only the deductible or combine it with the malus bonus mechanism , the system according to which you pay a lower insurance premium if you do not commit any accidents (bonus) or penalizes you with a higher reward (malus) if you commit them.
Insurance with a deductible makes it easier to maintain the CU:
In the event of a claim with minimal damage, i.e. with an amount to pay that falls within the amount envisaged by the deductible, you will not be penalized by 2 classes of merit (malus) as would normally occur in the event of a claim.

How to Properly Align Your Tyres
Wheel alignment, or tyre alignment, is a process that ensures your tyres wear evenly and perform optimally. Additionally, it can prevent your car from dragging to one side or vibrating erratically while driving.
What is a Tyre Alignment ?
Vehicle suspension (the part of the car that links the frame to the wheels) is adjusted during an alignment. It has nothing to do with adjusting the wheels or tyres. car wheel alignment is determined by the angles at which the tyres meet the road.
How Do I Check To See If My Tyres Need To Be Aligned?
- There are a couple indicators that your car could benefit from an alignment check. If you’ve seen any of these signs, it’s time to get your alignment examined by a professional.
- Abnormally worn treads
- Drifting automobile to the left or right
- When going straight, your steering wheel is not in the centre position.
- Disturbed Steering Feel
A tyre alignment check involves the technician primarily caring about three things:
- The First CAMBER
If you look at the tyre from the front of the car, it will either be pointing in or out. Misalignment is indicated by excessive inward or outward tilt, also known as negative and positive camber, respectively. Camber misalignment could be caused by worn wheel bearings, ball joints, or other suspension components.
- Camber and TOE Information
Toe alignment, as contrast to camber alignment, refers to how much your tyres lean inward or outward when viewed from above. Stand on your own two feet if it doesn’t make sense. Tilt them inward, towards your midsection. Toe-in alignment is when all four of your car’s tyres point in the same direction (remember, from above). Toe-out alignment is achieved by angling the feet outward. Both need to be tweaked a bit.
- Data for CASTER Toe Tyre Alignment
Adjusting your caster angle can improve your vehicle’s handling, stability, and turn radius. When viewed from the side, it is the angle formed by your vehicle’s steering axis. The steering axis will be skewed in the direction of the driver if the caster setting is increased. Conversely, a negative caster angle will cause your vehicle’s steering axis to lean forward.
Tyres will wear unevenly and prematurely if the wheels aren’t properly aligned. Examples of uneven tread wear caused by misalignment include the following:Tyres are said to be “feathered” if they have a rounded edge on one side and a jagged edge on the other. This is a common symptom of crooked toes.
When tyre wear is uneven like this, the inside or outside of the tread becomes noticeably more worn than the centre. This form of wear is caused by either positive or negative camber, as the name suggests.