Beauty Tips for Body – Homemade
To make yourself glowing and attractive all the time, it is essential to take some time for yourself to do self-care. Self-care is vital for every human being to keep themselves clean and good looking anytime. It also helps you maintain your health and wellbeing. Self-care revitalizes your body and reduces stress and tension to a vast extent. If you have not done self-care for yourself at home, then it is time to try any of the following homemade beauty products at an affordable rate and with the available ingredients at home. Let us take a look at some of the easy homemade beauty tips for body. For more knowhow, you can also read the new york skin solutions review.
Lip Scrubs
To treat your cracked lips, apply a lip scrub made with a tablespoon of Vaseline and a tablespoon of sugar. Apply every night until the cracks and dead skins are completely gone.
Dandruff Remedy
To permanently get rid of the dandruff from your hair that keeps itching all the time, massage lemon juice onto your scalp and wash off with water. Repeat this process every other day till the dandruff is gone. You can also apply Aloe vera pulp to your scalp for about 20 minutes before washing it off with water. Repeat every day till dandruff is completely removed.
Split ends Remedy
To seal up your split ends, simply apply cold coconut oil to your hair ends.
Yellow Teeth Remedy
Rub the inner side of banana peel on your teeth to remove the yellow stains for about two minutes. The potassium and magnesium from the peel does this de-staining efficiently.
Face Dryness Remedy
Mix honey and oatmeal to warm milk along with a spoon of honey. Apply this facemask for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Acne Remedy
1:3 ratio of apple cider vinegar and water and applying on clean dry face with cotton pads or a q-tip directly on the acne reduces it overtime.
Cracked Heels Remedy
To help you recover from cracked heels, soak your feet in warm water before you go bed. You can scrub with sea salt and olive oil in 1:1 ratio if need to completely take off the dead skins from your feet. Rinse well, pat dry and apply good amount of coconut oil, wear cotton socks before you sleep to keep your feet soft and avoid bed stains.
Follow these homemade beauty tips for body.