How to safely do the storage of corrosive liquids?
When storing containers which are made up of corrosive materials, make sure to store them in the type labeled for them. Also, avoid damaging the containers by banging them or using them inappropriately. In order to minimize the damage caused by fires, spills, or leaks, store corrosives away from other products and processing areas, the proper almacenamiento de líquidos corrosivos can also help prevent them from damaging the environment. Some corrosive substances, such as acids and bases, are incompatible with one another. Keep them away from each other.
In addition to walls, floors, and shelving, other components of a corrosive storage area should also be made from materials that can resist the effects of acid attacks. Since many types of liquids flow easily, it’s important that the floors and walls of containers that are made of corrosive materials are not able to allow them to penetrate. Large containers should have ramps or dikes around the areas where they are stored. Ideally, containers should be stored at a convenient height so that they can be handled properly. However, high shelving can increase the risk of damaging or dropping them.
Managing the corrosive liquids
When handling corrosive liquids, always keep in mind that damaged containers can leak. Large metal drums and barrels commonly contain these types of liquids, and moving them can be hazardous. Fortunately, there are drum cradles that can be used to transport large drums. The carboy carriers and safety bottle carriers are available for purchase. These can be used for transporting large bottles of corrosives or for carrying smaller ones. Even the portable containers that can be self-closing are ideal for storing, transporting, and dispensing small quantities of corrosive liquids. These containers are made from high-density polyethylene and can hold up to 19 liters. They have spring-mounted caps that can close automatically as you pour or fill the container, or if you drop them. These also prevent the vapors from escaping.
Recommended safe storage of corrosive liquids
When it comes to storing containers that have been made from improper materials, the best thing to do is to store them outside of direct sunlight. The almacenamiento de líquidos corrosives must be stored away from the heat source. These types of containers should be stored in special cabinets that are designed to contain corrosion-resistant trays. They should also be protected from spills and leaks by using chemical-resistant trays. When it is required to vent, the preferred material is PVC.