Complete The Collection Of Catan And Settlers Board Game
Catan is a strategy board game where players embark on the quest to settle on the island. Start revealing theĀ catan board game collection at the most affordable prices of harbors and regions:
- Pastures
- Fields
- Mountains
- Hills
- Forests
- Desert
Start to guide your settlers to victory!
The goal of Catan!
Catan’s goal is to reach 10 victory points. Players can score one point for every settlement and two points for every city. The other achievements are:
- Establish longest roads
- Establish the largest army
By achieving all these, it grants the player additional victory points.
If you are familiar with Monopoly, it is a reference point for playing Catan. The Settlers of Catan is a rewarding game to learn, even for beginner players. The game is very challenging and can make the player feel challenged and continue to reach victory since it is a simple game. You might see the Catan game as complicated, but it is not!
Resources of Catan game
For beginners, they should prepare the resources of the land. More resources of the game should be taken by the player to make the game more challenging, such as:
- Sheep
- Wood
- Brick
- Ore
- Wheat
The ore and wheat are important resources of the game for some reasons, such as:
- 3 Ore
- 2 Wheat
The two resources are needed to upgrade. So, if you don’t have these resources, it is time for your purchasing mode. Since you need these resources, you must purchase them. Although ore can be free from the game, you need wheat to upgrade and purchasing is a must. The resources change throughout the game, to explain their importance:
- Bricks and lumber are needed to build roads.
- Wheat and sheep are needed to build settlements.
- Ore is used for building cities.
The players can trade the cards limitlessly, but not for the matching resources.
Wheat to build settlements
The availability of wheat in Catan is limitless. You can purchase wheat to help you build settlements and do the development, such as:
- Upgrading settlements to cities
- Building development cards
Materials and their functions
Using the materials in Catan helps expand your settlement. You can start building roads and new settlements, and even upgrade your settlements to cities with your complete collection of Catan resources, such as:
- Hills produce brick
- Forests produce lumber
- Mountains produce ore
- Fields produce grain
- Pastures produce wool
All these resources make the Catan game more achieving and developing.